Canada has the highest standard of living in the world
Canada has the highest standard of living in the world
Migrating to other country is a very crucial decision of life. Everyone is considering positive development and future prosperous life for self and family members. Canada is identified as one of the best countries in the world to live in, duly endorsed by the United Nations Human Development Index for the past several years.
Canada offers many opportunities to new immigrants in a free environment. Strong reasons to select Canada as native country for rest of your life. Canada, second largest country in the world in area (after Russia) but one of the most sparsely populated.
Canada occupies roughly two-fifths of the North American continent. Its total area, including the Canadian share of the Great Lakes, is 3,849,674 square miles (9,970,610 square km), of which 291,576 square miles (755,180 square km) are inland water; also included are its adjacent islands, except Greenland, a self-governing part of the Danish kingdom, and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, parts of the French Republic.
Canada is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by 12 states of the United States, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean and the U.S. state of Alaska. The national capital for the 10 provinces and three territories of Canada is Ottawa.
Health Care System Health care services are covered under the health insurance plan of the respective provincial government. Like in Ontario province ,it is covered under Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)You pay no premiums for health coverage. Federal and provincial taxes fund health care. Your coverage is based solely on residency and is not determined by wheather you have a job or are unemployed ,or where you pay your income tax.
You are eligible for health insurance benefit if : You are Canadian Citizen, landed immigrant or convention refugee and You make your permanent and principal home in your province and You are present in Canada for at least 730 days in any 5 years period
Most peaceful and compassionate nation – A land of great natural beauty and resources. It is free country. All enjoy many rights under Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom Free health care
Canadian Education (High standard of education in the world) Education quality in Canada is superior in the world.Education is one of the biggest provincial expenditures,second to the health care. Please note that education is free to each child upto grade 12.
Public education is managed by the provincial governments and paid for by taxes. Education system varies from province to province .It includes 6-8 years of elementary school,4-5 years of secondary school and 3-4 years at the university at the graduate level.
When you enroll your children, the admission is decided based on the date of birth only.The admission is granted to the respective class as per the birth date at any point of time during the year ( even the last month of the academic year ).While enrolling your children take their birth certificates,record of landing, passport and immunization records.
Economy of Canada- Most developed and diversified economies in the world. The canadian economy is strong since 1994. Canada’s economy performance has been characterized by growth ,low inflation , stable unit labor costs,improved cost competitiveness,record exports,and a healthy level of business investment.
Canada continues to maintain one of the lowest inflation rate in the world. Highest standard of living in the world. An excellent infrastructure. A highly educated and skilled labor force. Well-deserved reputation as a successful trading nation. Because of its economical potential,Canada has continued to attract a large volume of direct investment from foreign sources. Government policies are creating a more favorable climate for domestic and foreign investors, including a low-inflation environment.
Currency -The Canadian dollar is the basic unit of money. The most common paper bills are the $ 5,$ 10 & $ 20 but $ 50 and $ 100 bills are also used. Canadian coins include the penny- (1 Cent) / nickel – ( 5 Cents ) / dime – ( 10 Cents ) / quarter – ( 25 cents)/ looni – (1 dollar coin ) / tooni – ( 2 dollar coin )
Government System – Canada has three tire government system. Federal Government is like Central government in India.Provincial Government is like State government in India.While municipal Government is similar like in India looking after the local administration of particular city.
Canada is : A Constitutional Monarchy – Queen Elizabeth II is head of state, represented in Canada by the Governor General. A Federal State – Some responsibilities are federal (such as defence and foreign affairs); some are provincial (such as education and health ) A Parliamentary Democracy – Parliament consists of a Senate and a House of Commons;Prime Minister is leader of party with majority in Commons.
The government is based on the British parliamentary system , with a Governor General (the Crown’s representative) and a Parliament consisting of an elected House of Commons and an appointed Senate. Parliament received the powers over matters of “particular” interest (such as property and education).
Canadian Charter of Rights- The Canadian Charter of Rights is very important. It is similar like a provision of 7 freedom given in the Indian constitution. The Canadian Chapter of Rights guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms such as: Equality rights Legal rights Language rights Mobility rights Freedom of expression Freedom of religion Freedom of association Democratic rights allow Canadian citizens to vote and participate in elections.
If you are a permenent resident,you are entitled to most of these rights,although you cannot vote until you obtain Canadian Citizenship.